The panoramics are actually double page spreads.

This is the blog for Alan Farkas's Rochester Wedding Photos site. To see my wedding pics go to
Click on a photo to see it in a larger size (blogger resizes them, looks bad)
John and Pauline have the most interesting marriage story I've heard in a long time-- while on a business trip, John realized he missed her. While eating at Taco Bell, he got the hot sauce packet with the phrase "will you marry me" several times in a row. Taking it as a message, he bought the ring the next day, then went home and proposed the following day. The rest, they say, is history! Naturally, we incorporated this in the shoot...
I look forward to shooting their wedding this upcoming September. Enjoy and stay tuned for more!
-- Andrew --
So with my new-to-me 5D arriving in the mail that day, I did a portrait session with my friend Eric. Really only did one setup, the "college student" look, because as we went outside to do some different stuff, the skies opened up at that moment and it started to downpour.
Glub, glub... he was OK with me posting the pics. About 15 people stopped and snapped photos with their cell phones. Would've been more had it not been raining on and off.
He was cool about the whole situation until he saw the water draining out the door. Then I felt sorry for him. Bummer. So I loaned him my truck for the week while his car gets fixed.
Next post (weather permitting) will be the e-session with Pauline & John! Can't wait!
-- Andrew --