Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Engagement session with Pauline + John

Got together with Pauline and John at the nearby Charlotte beach for some fun photos. They were willing to try different things, and while I was setting up shots they clearly had a lot of affection for one another.

Click on a photo to see it in a larger size (blogger resizes them, looks bad)

John and Pauline have the most interesting marriage story I've heard in a long time-- while on a business trip, John realized he missed her. While eating at Taco Bell, he got the hot sauce packet with the phrase "will you marry me" several times in a row. Taking it as a message, he bought the ring the next day, then went home and proposed the following day. The rest, they say, is history! Naturally, we incorporated this in the shoot...

I look forward to shooting their wedding this upcoming September. Enjoy and stay tuned for more!

-- Andrew --

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